Qatar charity and Islamic Relief distribute 80 sets of toilets to quarantine camps

Kathmandu, 11 August. Qatar Charity and Islamic Relief have jointly distributed health and WaSH materials responding to COVID-19 for returnees.

Both international NGOs together distributed health and WaSH materials to persons in 80 quarantines near to points of entries, of 4 districts of Terai region.

Health and WaSH materials were distributed in 20 quarantines each of Sarlahi, Rauthat, Banke and Bardiya districts. Irshad Ali Shekh, project manager of Qatar Charity said that those quarantines centers had migrant returnees from India. As per Ali, health and WaSH materials were distributed to strengthen government capacity to respond COVID-19 for migrants.

Both organizations together distributed 80 sets of toilets and bathing cubicles, 92 sets of contactless handwashing station, disinfectant liquid, 1000 sets of dignity kit to women and adolescence girls, and hygiene kits to 10 thousand people and 550 sets of PPE sets to frontline health workers and volunteers.

The response was also addressed to safe drinking water supply with water purification drops along with mugs and buckets for sanitation purpose.

Awareness programs were also broadcasted from television in Banke which was one of the more hit areas. Deputy Mayor of Nepaljung sub metropolitan city, District health chief and other local organization were present in the TV shows against the awareness campaign.

The project was funded by START Network UK and implemented in coordination with local partner NGOs and local level government to support to government capacity against COVID-19.

Qatar Charity is working in Nepal since 2017. It has been actively engaging to help people in need as timely intervention. It is one of the biggest NGO is Arab region and has its presence in more 30 countries worldwide, said Ali.


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